Friends' visits


These Visits are organised by the Friends for the Friends

For tours organised my ATTC's Mike Kay, Click Here



For clarity, we offer the following guidance to members participating in Friends’ visits.


Friends’ events are organised by Friends for Friends. You must be a member to join a visit. We have a special category of reduced-price Friends’ membership for those living at the same address as another member.


If we have to cancel a visit, anyone who has booked will be entitled to a full refund. We may offer to transfer the booking if the trip is rescheduled to a later date; but you are entitled to a refund if you wish.

If you book on a visit which does operate, but you are unable to attend due to sickness, travel delays etc., we will not usually offer a refund, as the costs involved in your booking will have been incurred. You should cover such circumstances by personal travel insurance.


We regularly take photographs on Friends' visits and at other events, which may include images of participants. Those images may be reproduced in Friends News and in Friends' publicity, including the website. If you do not want your image used in this way, then please inform the event organiser or photographer. We will respect all such requests.


Upcoming Visits

31st January 2025

Our planned visits program for 2025 includes...


There are other events organised by the London Transport Museum, to view them click here